Companies Rehiring – Employer Sponsorship Visa options

We noticed that many companies are starting to rehire in preparation for an expected increase in workload and commercial activity coming up. Below is a list of relevant occupations and visa options that may apply to you or your company.

Are you aware of all employer sponsorship visa options?

If you require a free assessment call us on 02 8964 5880 or email us to talk to one of our Employer Sponsorship visa specialists. Visa options include the following:

  • TSS Temporary Skills Shortage visa (Subclass 482) – a temporary visa for 2-4 years, an applicant must be able to prove at least 2 years of full-time work experience closely related to an occupation on the skilled list as well as a closely related qualification, otherwise, additional years of work experience may be required, view the 482 skilled occupation list


  • ENS186 Employer Nomination Scheme visa (Subclass 186) permanent residency – applicant must be able to prove at least 3 years of full-time recent work experience closely related to an occupation on the ENS186 skilled occupation list


  • Skilled Employer Sponsored visa (Subclass 494) – a temporary visa of 5 years duration, specifically for a regional area, an applicant must be able to prove at least 3 years of full-time recent work experience closely related to an occupation on the 494 skilled occupation list. This visa leads to permanent residency.


  • Temporary Work Short Stay Specialist visa (Subclass 400) visa – This temporary visa lasts for approx 3-6 months for applicants who have highly specialized skills and who are required to work on specific projects. This visa is a great option for eligible employers who are considering hiring a potential candidate and may wish to trial a person first before committing to a more long term visa.


  • Student visa – this is not an employer sponsored visa option however in some cases we recommend a student visa which allows an applicant to work part time 20 hours per week whilst working on meeting requirements for an employer sponsored visa.*job descriptions and minimum skills requirements for each occupation can be searched using the related ANZSCO code on the ABS website.  *NEC = not elsewhere classified

You may like to read more about employer sponsorship visa options.

Call 02 8964 5880 for a free employer sponsorship assessment


Do you qualify to apply for a visa?

For precise information regarding your specific situation
Request a Migration Assessment