Skill point test

Visa Subclass

Which of the following subclasses are you applying for?
Skilled Independent Subclass 189 - no sponsorship required. You must have an occupation on the relevant Skilled Occupations List.
Skilled Nominated Subclass 190 - requires nomination by a State or Territory Government. You must have an occupation on the relevant Skilled Occupations List.
Skilled Work Regional (Provisional) Subclass 491 - requires sponsorship by a relative living in a designated or regional area or a state or territory government.

Score: 0

Age *

Which age band do you fit into?

Score: 25

English Language Ability *

How would you rate your English language ability?
Competent English:
Passport from UK, USA, Ireland, Canada or NZ; or
IELTS: 6+ in each component; or
OET: B pass in each component; or
PTE Academic: 50 in each component; or
Cambridge (CAE): 169+ in each component; or
TOEFL iBT: 12 in Listening, 13 Reading, 21 Writing, 18 Speaking
Proficient English:
IELTS: 7+ in each component; or
OET: B pass in each component; or
PTE Academic: 65 in each component; or
Cambridge (CAE): 185+ in each component; or
TOEFL iBT: 24 in Listening, 24 Reading, 27 Writing, 23 Speaking
Superior English:
IELTS: 8+ in each component; or
OET: A pass in each component; or
PTE Academic: 79 in each component; or
Cambridge (CAE): 200+ in each component; or
TOEFL iBT: 28 in Listening, 29 Reading, 30 Writing, 26 Speaking
Less than competent English

Score: 0

Australian Educational Qualification

Have you met the requirements for the award of degree, diploma, advanced diploma or trade qualification(s) which took at least 2 years (92 weeks) of full-time study in Australia at an Australian institution?
Yes: Degree, diploma advanced diploma or trade qualification(s) taking at least 2 years of full-time study in Australia.

Score: 0

Specialist Education Qualification

Have you met the requirements for the award of an Australian specialist educational qualification?
Yes: post-graduate studies at doctoral or masters (research) level in a specific field eg science, technology, engineering, mathematics, or information and communication technology taking at least 2 years of full time study in Australia. *Our Migration Specialist will confirm whether you can claim a specialist field

Score: 0

Study in Regional Australia or a Low Population Growth Area

Have you
Met the requirements for the award of degree, diploma, advanced diploma or trade qualification(s); AND
The qualification(s) were not in English language proficiency; AND
The qualification(s) took at least 2 years of full-time study in Australia; AND
The qualification(s) were taught in English; AND
The campus of your institution is in a regional or low population growth area; AND
You have spent at least 2 years living in the regional or low population growth area; AND
You did not complete the qualification(s) via distance education?

Score: 0

Professional Year

Have you completed a Professional Year in Australia in your occupation following your studies - currently available for accountants, engineers and IT professionals:

Score: 0


What is your highest Qualification?
20: Recognised PhD (Doctorate)
15: Recognised Bachelor degree or higher
10: Recognised Trade Qualification including
Diploma or Trade Certificate completed at an Australian educational institution
Other award or qualification recognised by the skills assessing authority
0: No Recognised Qualifications

Score: 0

Overseas Work Experience

Overseas, in the last 10 years, how long have you worked in your nominated occupation or closely related skilled occupation? *As specific criteria applies, our Migration Specialist will need to assess your situation to confirm the number of years which can be claimed:
8 Years or more
5 Years or more
3 Years or more
Less than 3 years

Score: 0

Australian Work Experience

In Australia, in the last 10 years, how long have you worked in your nominated occupation or closely related skilled occupation? *As specific criteria applies, our Migration Specialist will need to assess your situation to confirm the number of years which can be claimed:
8 Years or more
5 Years or more
3 Years or more
1 Year or more
Less than one year

Score: 0

Partner Skill Qualifications

Check only ONE box which applies to you. *The following must apply at the time of invitation and application for a skilled visa.
I am single or my partner is an Australian citizen or permanent resident
My partner is under 45yo, is not an Australian citizen or permanent resident, can meet the competent english requirement and can obtain a positive skills assessment for an occupation on the relevant skilled occupation list for the same subclass I wish to apply for
My partner is under 45yo, is not an Australian citizen or permanent resident and can meet the competent english requirement
My partner is not an Australian citizen or permanent resident, cannot meet the competent english requirement and cannot obtain a positive skills assessment for an occupation on the relevant skilled occupation list for the same subclass I wish to apply for

Score: 0

Designated Language

Do any of the following apply to you?
I am accredited as a para-professional interpreter or translator (level 2) or above by the National Accreditation Authority for Translators and Interpreters
None of the above

Score: 0

Skilled Migration Points Test Results

Your score is: ( Pending.. )
As the pass mark for